By Bloodstone draws off negative environmental energy, helping to overcome influences such as geopathic or electromagnetic stress. It stimulates dreaming and is a powerful revitalizer. Gives courage and teaches you how to avoid dangerous situations. Bloodstone encourages selflessness and idealism. Assists in acting in the present moment. Bloodstone calms and revitalises the mind, dispels confusion and enhances decision-making. Assists in adjusting to unaccustomed circumstances. It is also a stone that is commonly used when dealing with childbirth thanks to its ability to bring strength, courage, and vitality to both mother and baby during the big event. Being in touch with all things related to blood also means that this stone is excellent at helping balance out menstrual issues, getting your cycle back on track, and sifting through problems that arise due to hormones and PMS.
Please be aware that none of the crystals or minerals described on this site are intended to be used to diagnose or treat any physical, mental or emotional disease. Always consult your physician before using any crystal healing approach.